Friday 15 February 2013

Fuck For Forest - Society - Environment

Fuck For Forest is an "erotic, non-profit ecological organization" committed to saving the world one shag at a time. By selling explicit pictures and films (or Eco-porn, if you will) of touchy-feely hippies doing the nasty they collect money for a very noble cause. And before you point your little anti-reactionary finger on them, let me just say that these are far from the mindless, horny potheads you might mistake them for.My friend Theresa had the opportunity to interview them in Berlin and was so taken by what she saw that she ended up starring in one of their sexual escapades! That's right. Theresa told me she was pleasantly surprised to find herself sitting across a group of seriously determined young activists, who have succeeded not only in staying true to their word (they do live according to what they preach), but also to raise enough money to actually make a difference.I was terribly intrigued by the whole thing so I decided to check out their website, where I fo und some pretty interesting statements. Apparently, the FFF movement started in 2004 when one of the most powerful Shamans in the rainforest had a dream about how he could enter the hearts of young rebels and inspire them to go back to the Spirits of Nature and Liberated Love. How exactly did the Shaman proceed (you ask yourselves terribly excited)? On the form of a plastic robot from the 80's that got in touch with a certain Tommy and Leona, FFF eminent members and co-founders. I kid thou not.After receiving financial support from the Norwegian government, Fuck For Forest started what would be a long journey of trials, suffering heavy displays of discrimination from every imaginable end of society. Retaliation came hard. Recoiling from this much hypocritical brouhaha, the government went back on their word and stated they regretted having helped such an indecent, disgraceful organization. In a very "Christian" move they decided they wanted their money back, even though it h ad been employed as agreed. I say bad, bad government! FFF, however, persisted and the fight went on, or rather the love making...Today, the movement travels around the world spreading awareness and recruiting new erotic activists and nature lovers. With the profit of their naughty endeavors they have helped support innumerable ecological projects, a mission that should be earning them a much different kind of recognition than the one they've been getting so far. And while I can honestly state that this is not my cup of tea, I'm always glad to see people literally working their ass off to save the world. Haha! Alors, what I'm saying is don't hate, baby readers... Diversity is the spice of life. So open your minds, relax and remember the saying: saving the world is sexy as hell.

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