Monday 30 April 2012

Get Six Pack Abs Workout - Food To Reduce Belly Fat - Food That Help Burn Fat

Burn tummy Fat And distinct Ways To Burn tummy Fat

Discover over 27 Unique Metabolism-Boosting Secrets for Getting Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat. Get Your Free Report And Get Started Immediately Taking Action on the Secrets for Revving up Your Metabolism Stripping Off Stubborn Belly Fat and Getting Rock Hard Sexy Abs.

Here's the REAL truth on getting a flat belly and lean sexy abs >> Click here now to find out the truth >>

If you are like me getting liberate of tummy fat is duty single equally far equally dieting is concerned. I undergo found a hardly any valuable tips with the intention of can greatly perk up your progress. I fought this battle intended for years at present I know how to beat it.

Tip #1. I undergo found with the intention of you single need to sort out a link of under attack exercises to perk up your mid-section. Here is really thumbs down need to turn to a aerobics studio otherwise sort out lengthy stubborn employment routines. The formerly is obvious crunches of course you want need to sort out crunches since this helps to tighten a tone the abdominal roadblock. By harmonizing the abs your waist want be converted into slimmer nearer. The other tummy buster is torso twists. Twists undergo been around intended for a lengthy era but seem to undergo lost popularity recently. This effortless employment is still illustrious intended for diet your waistline. These exercises sort out not need to subsist finished everyday. Your abdominal muscles are like several other muscle working them each other daytime is bounty.

These two effortless exercises want crush your tummy.

Tip #2. Your diet is an eminent part of diet your waist. By simply trimming a hardly any calories everyday your results want instigate to give you an idea about. I customarily a short time ago switch a hardly any of the things with the intention of I have a meal every daytime and sort healthier choices. I have a meal a percentage of fruit as a substitute of sugary refreshments. I decline back on processed carbohydrates. These would include breads pasta rice and potatoes. If I have a meal several of these it is until the end of time the totality wheat variety. Sort out not turn on a crash diet the goal is to subsist able to keep up the loss terminated the lengthy haul.

Here's the REAL truth on getting a flat belly and lean sexy abs >> Click here now to find out the truth >>

Tip #3. Supplements. I undergo tried many supplements to benefit better results. The single top supplement I undergo tried is Hoodia Gordonii. Hoodia is a powerful desire for food suppressant with the intention of has thumbs down well-known margin things. This supplement can assign you a definite benefit as soon as it comes to down with the intention of tummy fat.

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Sunday 29 April 2012


I am preparing for a wedding (mother of bride), and I need to BULD MY FEMALE BICEOPS AND THAT TONED ZEY LOOK WITH my arms and back

What can I do and what should I do?

Female biceps are usually a trouble area for most women as they tend to be under developed are therefore saggy and flabby. You see most women tend to focus their attention on getting smaller hips, butt, abs and legs. And they often forget the female bicep-over all a female needs to develop a symmetrical body which is on of the sexiest looks a female can strive for. Female bicep development is just one aspect of this symmetrical development

By symmetrical, I'm referring to an overall body fat reduction and a complete workout program that doesn't neglect any muscle group including the female bicep area

fact is a well toned and well built women always gets attention and women who have sleek and tight arms female biceps that look fit with a bit of muscularity, and tri ceps that look tight and firm will always get attention as very few women have them

It tells onlooker how healthy and well disciplined a woman with toned female biceps is

A good female bicep workout will combine weight training with cardio

Here is the formula for sexy female biceps and an overall sexy body

Train your female biceps antagonistically. Antagonist training refers to working opposing muscle groups in the same workout. For instance you may workout the biceps with a bicep exercise immediately followed by a triceps exercise. For example, if you're performing three sets of standing bicep curl with three sets of triceps press downs

Rest a minute and repeat 3 times, this is a good female bicep and trice workout this is a good way to get toned sexy female arms

To get sexy female biceps keep rest between sets to a minimum a simple a 45-to 60-second rest between sets is all you need. In the example we gave above, we would complete one set of biceps and one set of triceps (within no rest between the two) and then rest 45 seconds and repeat the process

This is enough time for recovery but enough to keep intensity high for building sexy female biceps

to get the most out of your female bicep workout use the tweak, for example when lifting a dumbbell in a dumbbell curl, most people would lift it up and down, you can get more out of your biceps by tweaking it at the top, you tweak your female biceps by

Turning the 'pinky' finger and wrist in the direction outside of the shoulder area as you approach the top part of the movement. This slight tweak of a movement will provide an excellent bicep contraction that will ensure you get more out of your bicep workout. The tweak offers the perfect biceps contraction and you'll definitely feel and see results in your female biceps

To get well toned female biceps, be sure to specialize, set a good portion of a workout for them, and use 2 -3 exercises with 2 sets each no more is needed. Working out on your female biceps once a week is plenty if you perform them correctly

To get well defined arms, you need to watch your diet and lower body fat level

There is no such thing as spot reduction, so if you have flab on the back of your arms you will have to reduce overall body fat level

As body fat drops the fat on the female bicep will also drop

So you need the right bicep workouts combined with a low calorie and low fat diet to get perfect female biceps

finally you will need at least 45 minutes of cardio 4 times a week to help you reduce overall fat level and allow your female bicep muscles to look great\

Cardio or aerobics will help to accelerate the fat- burning process and weight training will stimulate and develop well toned female bicep muscles

If you would like to discover a sure way to get sexy toned female biceps click the link in the authors box and get a free report that shows you how to get well toned biceps

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Thursday 26 April 2012

How To Control Ejaculation-Is It Really Possible? - Relationships - Sexuality

It's more common then you think. Most men have experienced some form of premature ejaculation at some time in their lifetime. Premature ejaculation, or PE for short, is a problem that thirty to forty percent of American men have experienced according to those men who have reported the problem to their doctors.

Exploring your options is in important step in alleviating the problem. When suffering from premature ejaculation, the first step is to consult your family doctor to discuss all of the possible causes that may be affecting your ability to control ejaculations. Diet, medications and other factors may be influencing the problem.

If you're in the clear physically, the good news is that PE is often a learned behavior that can get better. If your looking for a quick fix,you can use a local anesthetic agent which anesthetize (numbs) the penis. However, this is not really a long term solution, as you lose much of the sensation in lovemaking.

A better solution may be in trying natural methods. For example, an important way to avoid ejaculating prematurely is to learn how to relax during sex. When orgasm tension starts, by breathing deeply and slowly, you will find a significant increase in your ability to control ejaculation.

Interruption is another technique, although it does involve some will power. If you sense that you are about to experience premature ejaculation, squeeze the shaft of your penis between a thumb and two fingers applying gentle pressure just below the head of the penis for 20 seconds. In many cases, this can successfully delay ejaculation.

Training the pelvic muscle is also important. To stop yourself from ejaculating while having sex all you need to do is slow down a little and tense the PC muscle, the muscle you use to control the flow of urination. You can also practice these on your own during many non-sexual activities in order to build up the strength of the muscle.

Masturbation can also help curb premature ejaculation. When you don't masturbate for a long time, your sexual drive increases greatly and you tend to come very quickly during intercourse. By masturbating regularly, you keep your sexual drive in control.

Premature Ejaculation is not a sexual problem you have to resign yourself to living with. While it may seem embarrassing, there are plenty of tools out there that can help you have longer-lasting erections. You don't have to settle for an unsatisfactory sexual experience.

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Wednesday 25 April 2012

Control Ejaculation to Enjoy sex to the Fullest - Health - Diseases and Conditions

Satisfying sex that lasts for hours is what the vast majority of people desires. Premature ejaculation (PE) or rapid ejaculation is a sexual dysfunction that causes many men to fail to enjoy sex to the fullest. As sex is a mutual activity, this condition also acts as outright downer for the man's partner. The partners of men suffering from PE do not get the opportunity to achieve orgasm. As a result, men see themselves as less of a performer in bed and are burdened by the feeling of guilt and shame of not satisfying their partners. On the other hand, women feel that the problem is with them and they are no longer attractive to their partners. This puts a serious question mark on your mutual commitment in bed leading to troubles in your relationship.

Time is of essence

It is essential to have a clear idea about how ejaculation occurs in order to understand PE better. The reflexes in the brain and the peripheral nervous system coordinate together to encourage ejaculation. Your phallus is just an organ that complies with the instructions transmitted by the brain and other master organs. Once a certain amount of sexual stimulation is achieved, the ejaculatory reflex is automatically triggered. After reaching the point-of-no-return, you cannot delay or control ejaculation. One of the keys for premature ejaculation is to control the stimulation during sexual intimacy. To do that, you need to play for time. So the intriguing question is how do you play for time during the moments of ecstatic lovemaking?

Tips to stop premature ejaculation

Below are some of the tips that may work for you and your partner to enjoy sex for a longer period of time:

Try to divert your thought towards something, which, by no means, can trigger sexual or erotic sensations. Wondering how your upcoming meeting with your boss is going to be like may help you delay your orgasm.

Take a deep breath to calm yourself down just as the urge to ejaculate spurs. It can delay the ejaculatory reflex for a moment to let you buy an additional few minutes.

During foreplay, you can take help of your partner to stop and start the sexual stimulation. In this way, you can prolong your lovemaking sessions. But stop and start technique should be practised very carefully as it may end losing your erection altogether, if overdone or done improperly.

Genetics behind premature ejaculation

According to research on premature ejaculation, a particular gene variation may be the reason behind the failure of many men to last longer during sexual intercourse. The new findings revealed a gene that works on serotonin (a neurotransmitter responsible for the timing of your sexual reaction from stimulation to climax) to hasten the process of ejaculation. Experts reiterate that a further study is needed to understand the actual nature of the gene variation for premature ejaculation treatment. For the time being, there are lots of products available on the market to delay orgasm in order to last longer in bed. But remember, when ordering a premature ejaculation cure you should always choose a trusted website.

Effective treatment

The range of products for the premature ejaculation treatment includes delay gels, sprays, creams and delay condoms. The delay gels, creams, and sprays contain specially formulated ingredients that are traditionally used to delay ejaculation. These products work on the sensory nerves of the penis to temporary desensitise the response to stimulation. This effectively prolongs the normal time that it takes for a man takes to reach orgasm. The same applies to delay condoms, which contain a lubricant that acts as a mild anaesthetic to desensitise the sensations and help delay ejaculation. PE should not put a full stop to your sex life, given that you take proactive steps to treat this condition.

Description - Master the game of sex and defeat premature ejaculation. It is a sexual problem for men, in which you ejaculate well before your partner reaches climax. By following certain delay tips, you can better your ejaculatory control and enjoy long lasting sex.

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Tuesday 24 April 2012

Lawyer Q&A

Best personal injury lawyers in New Orleans?
I had A carriage ride accident and was forced to jump from the carriage, causing injury, of course I have got nothing but the run around. I would do some searches through a few lawyer webpages. I recommend a site called targetlaw. Its a lawyer search engine. Really good for lawyer searches..

Can a state appointed Attorney represent his clients fairly if.?
Someone has a case against the state and can not afford an Attorney and then is appointed a state paid attorney. the first 3 answers here are B.S. no a court appointed lawyer will not represent you at his best unless in some isolated cases as the calif, lawyer.

Can an Iraq veteran with 4 felonies become a lawyer?
the bar can keep you out if you have unpaid parking tickets. I'm guessing 4 felonies is considered a little worst. - I hope nobody with any felonies can become a lawyer, let alone 4 ! - Probably not. Run for president instead. - possibly - but felonies will.

Can an organization ask questions like this when hiring you for a job.?
Since the age of 18 have you ever had sexual contact with person(s) you were seeing in your capacity as a professional (i.e. teacher/student, doctor/patient, lawyer/client)? Since the age of 18 have yo uever had sexual contact with person(s) for whom you had a responsibility as.

Can anyone offer me any advice on pursuing child support enforcement?
I have a current court order for child support in effect but the non-custodial parent pays it according to when it suits him. Our case is being handled through the Attorney General's Office in Dallas, TX. I would like to find a lawyer that would only expect a.

Can I be given a probation violation after formal probation has ended in California?
Formal probation given in 2003, but was able to terminate it early in january of 2006. Also hired a lawyer and expunged the whole thing. Can I still get a violation for something after all of this? Once probation has been terminated, the court loses.

Can I find a lawyer to help me with a DWI In DC?
I got a DWI in DC it was a .11 I need to get a lawyer but I dont make enough money to pay one lump sum. I need to get a lawyer that I can pay off with monthly payments. Please help me!! I dont.

Can I reopen a custody suit after I signed off rights under extreme duress?
My children live with their dad & stepmom, she has never adopted them. I gave up when my lawyer told me I had no chance of winning. I tried to comit suicide after my kids were gone, my family and the dad were harrassing me..

Can i represent myself in a first time dui case in indiana?
NEVER BEEN IN TROUBLE WITH THE LAW You don't want to do that. Get a lawyer. It'll cost about $1500 for the whole thing. Don't plead guilty. They'll give you the max sentence. Get a lawyer and he/she will get you through. You'll live. Remember the old.

Can i sue a lawyer for messing up my case?
My husband and i have been trying to buy this house for 4 months. We thought we were going to close this friday but I gotta call saying the lawyer messed up on the guardianship now we have to wait even longer. Can I sue this lawyer for being.

Can I write my own codicil for my will?
5 1/2 years ago I paid a lawyer $450 to do my simple will. I want to make some deletions and additions to the will and have the software to print a codicil form. Can I do this and take to a notary to witness my signing and then send.
Can my landlord evict me without a court order as she has given me 7 days to get out?
depends on how long youv been there, after 6 months you have more right to live there. - Not if you pay rent! but they can try! - Eviction laws vary in different locales. Check with a lawyer in.

Can police discuss your legal problems with your boss before trial?
what legal action can be taken? yes, as sad as it is, the police can talk to anyone they want, but still talk to your lawyer to see if there is anything he can do - An investigator for criminal matter can talk to anyone. for civil matter,.

Can someone who's a lawyer help me enforce the ferpa law at my alumni college?
ECPI technical college is preventing me from getting a copy of my transcripts. The ferpa (Family Educational Rights Privacy Act) states that I have the right under united states federal law to get a copy. Please see this page: h ttp:// specifically.

Can the magistrate court reward punitive damages for acts of violence such as aggravated assualt?
A person attacked me with an axe? I escaped without physical injuries. The person was arrested and plead guilty. I am disable, have no income, and have no financial resources to hire a lawyer. I was told I could file a lawsuit in magistrate.

Does a legal advisor working for a company have to be an attorney or lawyer?
'Advise' is the defining word. A person who is not a certified attorney can assist in preparing legal documents for someone else, but they cannot tell a person or a company how to proceed with a legal course of action. Only a person.

does anyone know of a web site where you can chat with a lawyer and get free legal advice?
i need one on civil, i just wanted to get a little info before i went out and hired an attorney. thanks!! Most lawyers will give you a 30 minute free advice to see if you have a case. Om.

Does anyone know what is the sentencing for first time arrest of possesion of cocaine.?
Probably depends on where you were arrested. - Ask Bush. - It also depends on who you and your family are. - Depends on who the person is and who he knows. If he has a good lawyer it can be a slap.

Does anyone no a good pro-bono lawyer I have a rock solid case?
I was charged and spent a month in jail I have proof I am not guilty I need these charges dropped then I want to sue the accuser and bring a civil suit because of this issue I have lost everything I own For a civil.

does being a lawyer require alot of math?
do you need alot of math to become a lawyer and if so what are some careers that dont require tons of math? Not specifically but a University will require a decent academic standard to admit you onto a legal degree. Have a look at the entrance requirements for legal courses.

does enyone know what a court trail is and what goes on?
ive got a three day trail going on and im realy scared im unshure of what happens and what goes on its in frount of a jurry and im the one its all about for benefit fraud help me understand You should get a lawyer. Quickly. -.

Can you press contempt of court charges yourself or does a lawyer need to do it for you?
Here is our problem. My husband and I have been going round an round with his ex since the last time she took us to court and we won joint custody of his daughter. She keeps, keeping the child from us,.

Can you press criminal charges against someone who knowingly infects you with an std ie: genital warts?
depending on the state, yes. it may be filed under depraved indifference, wreckless endangerment, or assault. - Sho rt answer is YES. The long answer is you may only have recourse through civil court. You need to speak to a lawyer because.

Can you represent someone else in a trail if you are not a lawyer?
Give specific details nope - Not in this state. You can represent yourself or you can get a real lawyer. Nothing else. - Generally the answer is no. Sometimes there are exceptions (like 'victim advocates' may sit at counsel table for domestic violence proceedings, although.

Can you sue a hospital for INFLATED Emergency Room charges?
I had my finger cut and thought I would need stiches. They charged $590 Iodine, $357 for a procedure that was not explained and $500 for glue.NOT STICHES. I would try to challenge the charges with the threat of a lawyer. If you didn't get what was charged, you.

Can you suit a local union if they misrepresent you, and give you a lawyer four days before the hearing, who h
I was fired for hitting a co-work, we went to court and i won the case. Had a arbitrator hearing a year later with a lawyer given to me four day before hearing who know nothing about.

Case evaluation?
Im going through a medical malpractice lawsuit right now. My lawyer had told me in the beginning he would estimate the case to be worth 350-400,000.i know thats just his estimate, but they went for a case evaluation last week, and i got the letter today, and it was valued at 90,000.i got the letter after his.

Child Custody lawyer? Tips?
I've been divorced for over 5 years and the custody agreement said 50/50 (it was us who decided it) and medical must be paid but no child support. He is becomming a dead beat dad hasn't paid for her medical at all (she is special needs and sees many specialist doctors) and hasn't seen her.

Criminal Lawyer?
If you were a Criminal Attorney, would you defend somebody that you KNOW is guilty of a vicious rape? My wife is a lawyer (in the UK they're called solicitors). She's defended many criminals in her career - including murderers and child sex offenders. There are two principles here:- 1. you are NOT permitted to defend a.

Dissolving POA and employment contract with attorney in AZ. how would I go about doing this?
My father is in his 70s and has been using the same attorney for his disability and workers comp for the past 20 years. An employment contract was signed granting the lawyer Power of Attorney for my father. I am just curious if.

Do felonies have a statue of limitations to come off your record?
No, they stay on your record forever, but you do not have to acknowledge that they happened after ten years. - No statute of limitations - gernerally no, but some people get them removed after a period of time contact a lawyer - No, once you.

More Lawyers questions please visit :

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Sunday 22 April 2012

Is Your Wife or husband Cheating On You? Here's How You Can Find Out And Get The Fact!

This can be attributed to a lot more openness in the direction of human sexuality than in days gone by.

Due to the fact the 1960s, the pattern in society has been shifting away from the aged Victorian morals, that held divorce, infidelity, and marriage carefully guarded strategies that weren't talked about in polite society. Marriage was viewed as a closed institution that privately belonged to the couple in. Infidelity was not a thing to be talked about. When the difficulty did exist, it was coated up and hidden from public see. And divorce was thought to be ungodly. No good specific would ever before look at these actions.

Nonetheless, with the advent of extra schooling of human sexuality starting at an early age in schools and sexually explicit products easily out there through the world wide web, promiscuity has develop into extra prevalent.

This setting de-emphasizes the appeal and significance of committed relationships and has desensitized us to the ache prompted by such casual associations.

Just after infidelity has infected a marriage, it can bring about fantastic soreness to the spouse that was cheated on, devoid of the cheating husband or wife getting knowledgeable of, or even comprehension what the large offer is.

The problem is that there is much more to the marriage relationship than just the sexual intimacy. Regrettably, comprehension the emotional bond involving two people requires maturity that doesn't exist in most people at the age they are initially launched to the issue of human sexuality.

Young grown ups enter into marriage with a much a lot more informal perspective toward what dedication seriously is. This is the resource of the challenges that faces marriage at this time. The informal nature of the sexual intimacy that bonds the marriage is weakened by the mindset that sexual exercise is some thing that is okay to reveal outdoors the connection. Having said that, what isn't taken into account is the emotional bond concerning two people today that is shaken following the infidelity enters the photograph.

A partner that has this attitude demands to know that their partner, most likely, doesn't reveal it. This creates an atmosphere that prospects like people today to rationalize that it's okay to cheat when difficulties come about in the marriage, fairly than doing work them out with their spouse.

The aspects that bond the two persons collectively are not only sexual intimacy, but appreciate, trust and respect. The solutions to retaining people bonds are communication and the sharing of ideas, feelings, and ideas concerning the couple.

This is wherever the maturity comes into perform. In buy to cope with infidelity, the betrayed partner usually severs the lines of communication with the offending partner because of to the perception that the cheating spouse understands the hurt they have induced them. Hence, they conclude the offending partner have to have been unfaithful just to lead to them ache. When in reality, it is merely the actions of an unaware individual.

Whether or not you're the betrayed spouse or the clueless cheater, the alternative is quite simply the identical. The unfaithful spouse has to be capable to understand what their actions imply emotionally to their spouse. Devoid of the disloyal wife or husband obtaining the knowing of the significance of their partner's level of harm, the cheating partner is likely to repeat this error once again, and all over again.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Saturday 21 April 2012

Male Sexual Enhancement - Increase Sensitivity In Penis - Enlarge Penis Before And After

Male Sexual Enhancement

If you have been overtly bothered about the small size of our penis take a deep breath - good times are here when you can enlarge your penis - without having to take any drugs injections or even hanging heavy weights on your gentle genitals! Yes there are several ways to enlarge your penis that are safe effective and most importantly affordable.

RESULTS ARE NOW GUARANTEED: Enlarge your penis 1-4 inches. You can enlarge your penis size and girth easily. Get started TODAY with no waiting. See results in as little as 7 days Guaranteed!

Click here now to learn how to enlarge your penis and see results this week >> You can start today with no waiting >>

I get loads of emails from guys asking about penis size - whether it's important and how big is big enough. This article is going to tell you everything you need to know about what women want in terms of penis size what is big enough (even what is too big) and what the perfect size is.

This article is all about how a penis traction device (or penis stretcher or penis extender work). Can this enlargement device really add inches to your penis? How does it work? Does it even work? Get all the answers inside...

In as much as men want big boobs women also want a big penis. When a woman sees and knows that his man has a big penis she would be satisfied even if the man knows nothing in bed. Most men are aware of this. And that is why men who have small penises are insecure. Thinking that they can not give the right amount of pleasure to their women men who have small penises look for ways in order to enlarge their penises even by an inch or half an inch.

Men equate a larger penis as being more attractive and impressive to the opposite sex. But they don't always know if increasing their size will decrease or increase the pleasure they derive from sexual intercourse.

Penis male enlargement stretchers may sound strange to you. But they are music to the ears of men who are desparately seeking a bigger penis. Just what is this gadget? How does it work? Find out all the answers to your burning questions in this article

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Friday 20 April 2012

Male Sexual Enhancers - Do Mexicans Have Bigger Dicks - Penis Male Enlargement No Pills

Male Sexual Enhancers

Many men get involved in penis male enlargement and feel that this is the end-all of what they need to maximize their sexuality to the opposite sex. Sadly it's not that simple.

RESULTS ARE NOW GUARANTEED: Enlarge your penis 1-4 inches. You can enlarge your penis size and girth easily. Get started TODAY with no waiting. See results in as little as 7 days Guaranteed!

You can enlarge penis size and girth and you can start TODAY no waiting. Get started now and see results in as little as 7 days!

Click here now to learn how to enlarge your penis and see results this week >> You can start today with no waiting >>

Due to the constantly changing standards of today's society many men have grown to expect more emphasis on size than what used to be the norm. If you want to achieve real length and girth gains only the best penis enlarger will do the job.

What is the theory and mechanism behind Natural penis male enlargement? Is it some pie-in-the-sky hoax or does it have some basis in reality?

Many men are quickly learning that it is now possible to enlarge their penis without undergoing surgery or spending large amounts of money. Through clinical studies researchers have discovered that you can enlarge the penis by using simple exercises that take only a few minutes each day.

here are several methods of penis male enlargement which provide various levels of success. Here are the brief descriptions of each method including the major points concerning the safety and effectiveness of each one.

There is so much conflicting information about penis male enlargement out there that it is no wonder people mistrust the whole concept. Outrageous claims and unscrupulous merchants have given the whole industry a bad name.

Jelqing is a type of hand exercise that is able to increase the size of your penis naturally. Jelqing owes it's origins to the Persian Kings from many hundreds and possibly thousands of years ago. I guess that just proves ever since the beginning of time us guys have always wanted to get a bigger penis!

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Thursday 19 April 2012

Free Male Sexual Enhancement Trial - Male Enhancement Drinks - How To Enlarge My Penis

Free Male Sexual Enhancement Trial

An age old problem for men has been the problem of a small penis size. For years men have looked to science to provide them with an answer usually leading to painful surgery. The process of surgery is now a thing of the past though with the help of modern scientific advances in natural penis male enlargement.

RESULTS ARE NOW GUARANTEED: Enlarge your penis 1-4 inches. You can enlarge your penis size and girth easily. Get started TODAY with no waiting. See results in as little as 7 days Guaranteed!

You can enlarge penis size and girth and you can start TODAY no waiting. Get started now and see results in as little as 7 days!

Click here now to learn how to enlarge your penis and see results this week >> You can start today with no waiting >>

Men give a huge importance to their penis and they are not taking this effort in vain. As the women normally like the men who are with long and thick penis. These things are normally observed by women that the long and thick penis can go deeper satisfy them and provide them pleasure during the intercourse.

There are several reasons why men would like to know the answer to the question 'how to make my penis larger?' Some men just really want to know out of curiosity while some men really want the information because they badly need it.

Some men are pleased with their penis size. Most men however are not and would kill to know how to add more length or girth. Surveys have suggested that women think more of girth than they do of length when it comes to being effective in the bedroom. It's no wonder then that men crave that extra bit of width.

Many men are unhappy with their penis size. Most men are a bit shy of the average size of 6 inches but there was never a way to change this until now. In fact the desire to enlarge and enhance the penis has resulted in a multimillion dollar industry of products to improve male sexual health.

With the arguments on whether penis size matters or not you can't help but feel a little insecure if you have a small penis. Find out if a bigger penis is actually better than a small penis and how you can improve your situation!

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Wednesday 18 April 2012

Useful Tips - Male Sexual Enhancements - Importance Plus 11 Workable Tips

Male Enhancement Before And After Pictures plus Number One Male Sexual Enhancer plus Dating Raleigh Single Advice

Men are generally conscious about the size of their penis. It is as though their masculinity depends solely on this organ. Whoever possesses the biggest one among peers will certainly be the envy of others. This desire for a bigger and longer penis is due to the notion of most men that they can give more pleasure to the women when equipped with a huge apparatus.

Are you happy with the size of your penis? Do you wish that there was a guaranteed way to enlarge your penis safely? Look no further - It is now guaranteed and safe to add up to 4 inches to your penis size in just a matter of weeks! The best part is you can start TODAY adding length and girth to your penis size.

See results in as little as 7 days GUARANTEED - Click here now and start enlarging TODAY >> No waiting - Start enlarging NOW and see results >>

If you don't know your way around it then the world of male enhancement can be a bit of a mystery. It can seem so diverse that you could easily end up doing the wrong thing especially with so many options of what to choose from. Well take it from someone who's already tried pretty much everything out there - most approaches DO NOT work. However there is one that does and it's called natural enhancement. This could be your ticket to a HUGE manhood so listen up and I'll tell you everything you need to know...

Do you want to grow bigger down there? I know I did... or rather needed to. And I discovered a way to exercise my penis daily using just my own hands and became nearly 2 inches larger than I thought I would be for the rest of my life. Inspired? You too can achieve the same if not better results to your penis size in a matter of weeks!

Are you ready to learn the best ways to make your penis bigger? If you're anything most of the men reading this I bet you do! These days there is simply too many male enhancement approaches tips and techniques that it can be a real frustrating experience trying to find a proven method that works. Fret not! In this article you'll learn 2 proven ways to amp up your penis size. Let's see which one of these will provide a good fit for you...

If it's not on the Radio then it's on the television or the internet. You can't go anywhere without hearing about the new Extenze pills. But the jury is still out on them does Extenze work? Read on you'll find out.

There are many options available to men today in regards to male enhancement techniques but one question that always comes up is how to make your penis bigger without using pills or pumps. There are exercises to make your penis bigger which are popular for men who don't have the money or inclination to try other enhancement approaches. And many men look on traction devices with distrust while a lot of men are nervous of having to take pills.

There are basically four different penis male enlargement techniques on the markets for men that are not happy with their size. Here you will find little information on each of them. So let's take a look at what are the ways for men to enlarge their penis size.

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Tuesday 17 April 2012

Male sexual Enhancement and How to Increase Male Sex Drive and Libido

A vast majority of men suffer with low libido and there are a lot of factors behind this drop in male libido.

Some of such factors include:

1. Increases stress levels

2. Low testosterone Levels

3. Reduced blood circulation

4. Obesity and lack of physical activity

5. Sleep deprivation etc.,

Read more on male sexual enhancement and libido enhancers men and Premature ejaculation

Causes of low sex drive and erctile dysfunction include

1. Tiredness

2. Stress

3. Depression

4. Diet

5. Alcohol

6. Smoking

7. Recreational drugs.

How to Improve Your Libido

Two important aspects to be worked upon in order in order to enhance male libido include blood circulation and testosterone levels.

Both of these are very important for a healthy male libido.
Reduced blood flow can be a result on obesity, lack of physical activity and other lifestyle issues like excessive smoking etc.,
Cigarettes not only lower testosterone levels but also restrict blood flow by building plaque in your arteries.
Importance of Essential Fats in Your Diet

Certain foods can help increase blood circulation in your body. These are rich in essential fats such as Omega 3. One of the best examples of such foods is oily fish. Not only do such fish enhance blood flow and keep your arteries oiled but also boost the production of testosterone.

Besides, they are also rich in other minerals like zinc, magnesium and selenium that your body needs for optimum testosterone production.

Olives are a also a great source of essential fats.

Regular Exercise

Weight bearing exercises are a natural testosterone booster. Exercises such as squats, bench presses, rows, deadlifts have a direct positive impact on your testosterone levels.

However, it is important o limit your workout to 45-60 minutes in a single session since after an hoour opf strenuous workout your body begins producing hormone

Cortisol which affects testosterone negatively.

Reduce Stress

Stress is a major culprit when it comes to your libido and testosterone production. Try to find out time for yourself and relax from your busy schedule. Practice yoga or meditation to help reduce stress in your daily life. It can act as a great testosterone booster for you.

Get Adequate Sleep

Lack of sleep not only builds stress but also affects the production of testosterone and HGH by upsetting your hormonal cycle. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of peaceful undisturbed sleep and you will be surprised to see what it can do for your libido.

Here are a few simple and easy steps to increase libido in men:

1. Make sure you include foods like oysters, lean meat, dairy and poultry products in your diet. Such foods are rich in zinc and help increase testosterone production in your body which helps boost libido in men.

2. Reduce your carbohydrate intake specially those that ar e rich in simple sugars since they tend to elevate Insulin level in your blood which affects testosterone production adversely and hence lower your libido.

3. Not all fat is bad!- Include essential fats like Omega 3 into your diet. This is not just good for testosterone production but also promotes blood circulation throughout the body.

4. Quit Smoking- Smoking is not just bad for your lungs and respiratory system is it also bad for libido since nicotine builds plaque in your arteries and restricts blood flow which tends to affect libido negatively.

5. Workout Regularly- Weight bearing exercises are the best when it comes to increasing testosterone levels. Exercises that work on a group of muscles provide the best results. Some of them include squats, bench presses, military presses, deadlifts etc.,

6. Limit your workout to 45-60 minutes a session. This is important since if you workout for more than an hour in a single session, yo ur Cortisol levels will elevate which affect testosterone production adversely.

7. Reducing stress is a major step towards increasing your libido naturally. Apart form relaxation methods like yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises, regular exercise can also be a great stress buster.

8. Get Quality Sleep- Getting adequate and quality sleep is a must if you want to boost your libido. Lack of sleep tends to build stress which affects testosterone production negatively and leads to a reduced or diminished libido.

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Monday 16 April 2012

How to Use Herbs to Male Sexual Enhancement

Male low libido can be caused by many things. Some causes include lifestyle changes, prescription medications, stress, an unhealthy diet, not enough exercise, too much drugs and alcohol, and low energy. There are prescription drugs on the market to enhance male sexual performance, such as Viagr and others, but they can get expensive and most health insurance providers will not cover them.

The best way to increase male libido is to change lifestyle habits, eat a healthy diet, take natural herbs and supplements, exercise, and most importantly, avoid stress as much as possible. Avoiding stress isn't easy in this day and age, so try some cheap and easy home remedies to increase male libido and have a more enjoyable and healthier sex life.

Male Sexual Enhancement Herbs: -
Ginkgo: - Ginkgo biloba is an herb with the ability to increase circulation. Its benefits for patients have included memory improvement, reduction in heart disease, and recently, fertility assistance. In a study published by the British Journal of Pharmacology, it was found that men who took 60 mg. of Ginkgo biloba each day showed drastic enhancement improvements after six months.
Muirapuama: - Muirapuama has been shown to increase libido as well as sexual potency. This is a popular herb used by Amazon River natives in South America. This herb has been shown to be effective in women.
Oats, Nettle Leaves and Seaweed: - A combination of fresh oats, nettle leaves and seaweed can help men who have sexual problems. Men who were given this combination showed an improvement in as little as 2 months. They had greater libido, better performance and increased sensation.

How to Reduce Male Impotence: -

Quit smoking if you haven't already done so . Longtime smokers put themselves at greater risk for impotence and a frightening list of other more serious health problems. Sexual dysfunction is just one more reason to bite the bullet and stop smoking once and for all.
Start eating a healthier diet consisting of whole grains, fruit, vegetables, and lean proteins like fish and legumes. Eating a poor diet can contribute to weight gain, terminal illness and impotence. Avoid salty foods that are high in cholesterol and low in nutrients.
Reduce the amount of alcohol you consume, because heavy drinking damages your blood vessels and contributes to impotence. Try taking a month-long break from drinking; you might notice your libido is stronger and your erections improve.
Exercise regularly. According to, men who exercise between three and five hours a week are 30 percent less likely to have erection problems than men who don't. If you don't have time to work out in the gym, try walking to places you would normally drive to, such as the supermarket.
Take steps to reduce stress in your life. Stress is one of the most common psychological causes of impotence, according to Make sure you're getting enough sleep and relaxation time. Sleep deprivation can leave you feeling tired and lethargic, and lower the concentration of testosterone in your body.

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Sunday 15 April 2012

Cure for Male Impotence, Male Sexual Enhancement

Male impotence is an umbrella term that is used for so many men sexual problems. Some prefer male impotence to describe as incapability of a man to make his female sexual partner or spouse pregnant. Whatever the definition is adopted for this term, male impotence cure remains same as the therapies and medications used for this men's sexual ailment work in same fashion and their target is same.

The medications and therapies used as male impotence cure help man to achieve or enhance the male libido, increase sperm count and its motility, increase the ejaculation volume (and so the force) and also to achieve rock-hard, fuller and firmer penis erections that last long as much as possible.

However, there are many modern medications that help in curing such situation but then; they all bring lots of complications, unwanted events that may be side or adverse effects. Male impotence cure includes using herbs internally and externally. Looking at this, more an d more men labeled as impotent now prefer herbal or natural male impotence cure.

Others opine that male impotence could be the situation wherein the male is not capable to satisfy his female sexual partner by any means. Some groups of health care providers believe that male impotence is something that is closely related to whereas others say that if a man is suffering from sexual debility, he can be labeled as impotent male!
The herbs that are used to treat such conditions include Ashwagandha, Kupilu, Kapikachhu, Guggulu, Shilajit, Amalaki, Gokshura, Lahsuna, Pippali etc. A man suffering from impotency can go for single herb supplement or can go for some product that contains above mentioned potential natural aphrodisiac herbs. There are many therapies that are considered to be very beneficial and used as male impotence cure. Special therapy such as Ayurvedic Panchakarma is said to increase the sperm count, boost the libido and also adding a force to sperm ejaculation without affecting any other body systems.

Male impotence an also be due to the stress and severe mental disorders that has been there since many years. In such cases, the male sexual hormones get disturbed and start getting out of the control. In these cases, and other congenital cases where male sex hormone deficiency is main culprit, hormonal supplements (such as testosterone) are used as male impotence cure.

However, along with such male impotence cure therapy, a man should also change his lifestyle and dietary pattern. Healthy food is very important to keep the body in well position. Dark, green and leafy vegetables, fresh fruit juices and other nutrients are advised as a part of male impotence cure.

In some cases, alternative therapies and treatment such as acupressure, acupuncture Thai massage etc has been found to have beneficial effects on male reproductive system and its organs. That is why; many holistic healing practitioners prefer these therapies as a male impotence cure.

You may be interested in reading Male Impotence Cure and Male Sexual Enhancement . Also visit Male Impotence Treatment

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Saturday 14 April 2012

Virility Ex Patch Review – Virility Ex Male Sexual Enhancement Herbal Products Review

Virility Ex Patch Review - Your Pilot to Better Sexual Life

Today, a lot of men are facing significant sex concerns. Some of them have problems related to penis while others labor with their sexual motivation. With this reality, a massive variety of men are in hunt for helpful male performance solution to assist them with their dilemma. Online reviews like Virility Ex Patch reviews can give useful info regarding the advantages of the merchandise and how it will save your sexual relationships.

Visit this link Now: Where To Get Virility Ex Patch Trial Samples to find out where to order for your risk-free trial samples online!

These days, lots, if not thousands of male sex enhancement product are accessible in the market and a heap of them cannot give positive results. But, with the correct information, you'll obtain a smart quality natural herbal enhancer product. There are varied options for men who need to improve their sex lives - from pil ls to exercises. Male performance patches are common these days. These patches declare to supply men with improved size and strength.
Keep in mind that not all penis patches are the same. Each product has its distinctive characteristics and effects thus it's important to form certain that you're getting the one that is right for you. Per Virility Ex Patch reviews, Virility Ex Patch will help men achieve bigger sexual pleasure, bigger penis and stronger orgasms. With this product, you'll be able to enlarge your penis size up to 3 inches in girth and length. Additionally, your sex need can enhance. It provides immediate result and with its all-natural substances, you are assured that it does not have unhelpful facet effects.

It is vital to scan a Virility Ex Patch review before getting the merchandise so as to understand the proper data regarding this effective male enhancer system. Visiting their website is also recommended especially if you would like to relish better sex life. You should additionally consult your doctor prior to taking any male sexual enhancement pill especially if you're suffering from some health concerns. In addition, taking capsules single-handedly cannot give you the muscle and vigor that you wish to last longer in bed throughout sex intercourse. It's still best to steer a healthful lifestyle by eating right and partaking in substantial activities.

Hurry now to this site here Free Trial Offer Virility Ex Patch Review to find out more about Ex Virility natural remedy for your sexual enhancements solution!

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Friday 13 April 2012

Axtyle –An Excellent Male Sexual Enhancement Pills To Improve Sexual Performance

Axtyle as a branded product has proven to be an excellent male sexual enhancement pills for men Millions of men around the globe have used Axtyle to improve sexual performance. Sex is something that needs to be enjoyed by both a male and a female. It is found that sometimes, men have the problem of erectile dysfunction, and due to this problem of erectile dysfunction men fails to satisfy their partners on bed. It is a common problem for men around the world. Today there are many manufactures who manufacturer's male enhancement products that can help men to get rid from the problem of erectile dysfunction.

For men who are searching for male enhancement products, can try Axtyle. It has proven to be the best natural enhancement pills that can allow men to give a great sexual pleasure to their partners on bed. If you are searching foe an excellent enhancement pills, and then just give a try to Axtyle, it can give you excellent results. To enjoy sex, male need to have a good erection size. Unless and until you have a good erection size you will not be able to satisfy your partner on bed. There are many men who are not satisfied with their erection size. For those men the best option is to use enhancement pills that will naturally enhance the erection size. No one is born with a natural, innate ability to last very long in bed. Therefore natural enhancement products for men can significantly enhance your staying power.

Male sexual enhancement pills are very helpful to men suffering from diminished sex drive, early ejaculation, weak or short-term erections, lack of pleasurable sensation, and lack of overall confidence about their sexual selves. But most men want to have a more sustained sexual experience, even if they do not wish to talk about it. The issue of enhancement is a highly private topic, since it is one which many men feel difficulty in talking about. And to get a good sexual pleasure on bed, it is necessary for all men who are suffering from premature ejaculation to try best natural enhancement pills that can help men to recover their problem of erectile dysfunction. Many men feel ashamed to talk about their problem of premature ejaculation. They feel humiliated about their lack of stamina in bed. Did you know that close to 40 percent of men around the world are affected by premature ejaculation? They feel a need to avoid all sexual contact wi th the opposite sex.And the fact is that a good number of us are able to completely eradicate it on our own and enjoy sex that really lasts. You see, while premature ejaculation can be embarrassing, it is also something that can be turned around permanently. If you are really frustrated with your sex life, then try Axtyle. It will give you guaranteed results with no side effects.

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Thursday 12 April 2012

Male Sexual Enhancement

Male sexual enhancement, as the name suggests, is a process by which the user male can trigger and improve his sexual desire, improve his performance and have satisfactory orgasm. Once can achieve male sexual enhancement through psychological catalysts like sex toys, music, movies, special gear, aromatherapy, etc which elevate mood, helps in relaxation and aid in increased sexual pleasure. Male sexual enhancement can also be achieved medically through pills, creams, lotions, lubricating massage oils etc.

Usually, male sexual enhancement trial pills are made of herbal ingredients. Most of these common ingredients include Tongkat Ali, Horny Goat Weed, Ginseng, Gingko Biloba, L-Arginine, Zinc, and Bioenhancers. These herbal ingredients are supposed to help stimulate the natural enhancement of the male sexual organ during intercourse. These natural alternatives have grown more popular nowadays with the breakthrough of and the ever-famous, which are said to have sid e effects due to more unnatural ingredients.

These pills improve a man's sexual abilities in the following ways:-
Boost libido

Increase erectile function

Increase energy and stamina during sexual activity

Most of these pills are made from herbal extracts and they are known to have little or no side effects (depending on the user). Most users of sexual enhancement pills often agree that these pills have improved their sexual enjoyment within a day or two of using it.

If you're having problems with premature ejaculation then male sexual enhancement can also help to cure this problem. Premature ejaculation usually happens for various psychological reasons. If you don't take measures to cure this problem then it may end up costing you're relationship. Many enhancement products may be able to assist you in taking care of premature ejaculation problems.

In order to have powerful erection males require good production of nitric oxide in the body. It is the key chemical. It relaxes and broadens your blood vessels in order to i ncrement the flow of blood inside the penis. Therefore, your erection lasts long. The Chinese herbs present inside the sex enhancement pills work like drugs to increment the production of nitric oxide and also inhibit the PDE-5 chemical too. These herbs are Horny Goat weed, Cnidium and Ginseng.

Some health care providers, especially holistic health care provider think that any loss or reduction in male libido is generally due to some mental problem and hence, the brain is the culprit. To treat brain and its aggression, the herbs used are to have brain soothing and calming properties. Herbs such as brahmi, mandookparni and ashwagandha may work.

Tribulus Territories: These herbs helps increase the testosterone percentage or level which is known to enhance libido and assist men achieve full erection. Not only does it enhance libido levels, it also improves the sperm count which is the basic factor in ova fertilization.

Once you try Plus, you w ill never again complain about erection related problems or premature ejaculation issues. Plus works for all ages and it will improve your sex drive and also enhance your orgasms.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Move up and Devour

Move Up and Devour

Saddam Hussein (1937-2006) got himself into position as the ruler of Iraq by stabbing his predecessor in the back. He wasn`t prepared to work his way up. Someone once said to me: `You can move up.` The suggestion was apropos of nothng. I understood I was being propositioned by a homosexual who wanted to get behind me - and I don`t take it in the ass. Essentially, the first Gulf War (1990-1) was Saddam Hussein back-stabbing the Emir. It`s anal. Anal sex is sterile and produces nothing, so those who `move up` by back-stabbing are homosexuals; because they don`t produce anything. Woman is the Creator`s Producer`s Product Civilization so 9/11 is the act of a homosexual back-stabber.

Saddam `moved up` by back-stabbing and the USA gave him the world`s 3rd largest army, so he was being encouraged. 9/11 was a hacking into the US` defence system by civilian aircraft, that is, wrongly oriented in terms of sexual paradigm. They were the hacker`s virus AIDS by analogy; in other words, an attack by a homosexual back-stabber that didn`t want Islam, Judaism and Christianity to recognize their shared developmental perspective.

Jesus is a Prophet of Islam. After the Hajj, the annual Moslem pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia and the seat of Abraham, there is the feast of the Eid in which the Moslems celebrate the founding of Israel and Islam. God commanded that Isaac be sacrificed, so his father took him to the mountain top where God produced a lamb, and that was sacrificed so Isaac was spared. Isaac was the forebear of Israel and Ishmael, his brother, was the forebear of Islam. In Christianity, the lamb prefigures Jesus as the `lamb of God` - Redemption for all.

In `gassing the Kurds` in Kurdistan, Saddam was bringing sterility to the people of Sahaladin, the Arabian Knight who was `the lamp of Islam`, the light of Creation. In 1001 Nights he`s depicted for children as Aladdin`s lamp, for whom all things are possible. Saddam tried to extinguish the `light` in Kurdistan, which is not only the poisoning of his neighbour`s well that he perpetrated in Kuwait, but also the poisoning his own well, which is an even worse crime in Islam. It is a homosexual suicide`s back-stabbing of himself. In back-stabbing Islam and his neighbours, he prepared Al Qaeda to back-stab, that is, `Saddamize`, the USA.

The Gulf Wars were about George Bush I (1990-1) and George Bush II (2001-3), and Saddam I`s attack on the Twin Towers, that is, the two Georges. Saddam I means `I am sad`, which is appealing if you want to spread happiness. But `life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness` is the American Dream and Manifest Destiny, that is, innocent progress and development without threat, and Saddam I threatened that because the US encouraged a homosexual back-stabber. It is psychological profiling. If someone moves up by assassination they are homosexual, don`t want God, Woman as the Producer - or Woman`s Product as Civilization; because they haven`t accepted the work of Redemption which is God`s love.

Anal sex is sterile and anti-life, so God destroyed Sodom, Gomorrah (Gen: 8,9), and Saddam. Colonel Gadhaffi in Libya was able to `move up` by similarly back-stabbing and supporting international back-stabbing as a terrorism, so he is a homosexual by definition and that is why he was ousted by NATO and the USA in 2011. Basically a homosexual is an assassin. They refuse to develop, or allow development because they are `sterile` advocates and their evil resides in this. They don`t want what they `move up` for. That is why Saddam Hussein is a psychological type the `Saddamite`. He doesn`t want what he has because he`s a sterilizer- as his use of poison gas against the Kurds indicates.

Saddam `eyes` were turned upon the apple of the eye of America, New York, and she was `Saddimized`, as it were, by terrorist homosexuals who described themselves as `martyrs of Islam` whereas, in fact, they were sterility worshippers. Martyr`s go to Paradise, in Islam, and it is a tradition that Afghanistan is the home of the Old Man of the Mountain Osama Bin Ladan in the 21st Century who is the leader of the assassins. But, if assassins are homosexual back-stabbers, they`d `move up` only in order to make a sterile wasteland of Paradise. The so-called Islamic martyrs of 9/11 were attempting to `move up` in the Order of the Assassins - as were those of 7/7 in the UK and Bin Ladan with the Taliban in Afghanistan. Properly understood these are homosexuals, and they correspond, in the Bible, to the serpent`s `seed` for whom the Woman`s `seed` has perpetual `enmity`.

The serpent`s `seed` correlates with AIDS because it is the virus transmitted by sodomy, or by the Saddamite, which is what the civilian aircraft crashing into the Twin Towers on 9/11 represent, the 21st Century paradigm of the hacker`s virus, which is the terrorist homosexual who wants to `move up` amongst his fellow `assassins` but doesn`t want anything other than to prevent development. The analogy is significant because Jesus saves, and hackers `crash systems`, which is what the homosexual hacker on 9/11 did. The `wrongly oriented` (homosexual) - but `civil` (addressing their targets politely) planes - hacked into the Twin Towers and crashed the `system` of the World`s Trade Centre. With no interest in the future, because sterile, homosexuals have no mercy.

The danger is to conflate hero with assassin. The original Old Man of the Mountain, Hassan-i-Sabbah, removed political figures dangerous to Islam. Saddam Hussein, for example. The idea wasn`t to `move up` by means of assassination but to remove obstacles to development, which is why the USA asked the Arabs to `put their own house in order` prior to 9/11. Osama Bin Ladan`s family is rich and he didn`t have to `move up`. His adherents, if they entered into Paradise, would make of it a desert. That is why homosexuality is evil and condemned by God, and why murderers aren`t heroes. It`s a dangerous conflation to equate murder with heroism. The evil pretence that murderers are heroes is a malaise of the 21st Century. But murderers cannot enter into Paradise or heaven. Hollywood idolizes the murderer Al Capone, Psycho, The Day of the Jackal, Freddy Kruger, Reservoir Dogs, Mr and Mrs Smith, etc. This is an evil path and it is homosexual because it`s `moving up` by murder in ord er to `move up` - and murder.

The character in Brett Easton Ellis` American Psycho screams down the phone `You gotta kill a lotta people!` You mustn`t - or you`ll never have God and heaven. 9/11 was a ratings success for US TV and so it was TV. The homosexuals were complaining that there was too much sex on TV and not enough violence, because homosexuals aren`t interested in the Creator`s Producer`s Product Woman and Civilization. They don`t want sex, they want violence; not because they`re macho but because they`re queer. What`s wrong with Hollywood is that it threatens other nations, misleading itself into believing it is supporting the American Dream and Manifest Destiny, whereas it is boasting openly of it`s deep seated homosexual antagonism toward God.

9/11 was a ratings success for US TV and so it was TV. The homosexuals were complaining that there was too much sex on TV and not enough violence, because homosexuals aren`t interested in the Creator`s Producer`s Product Woman and Civilization. They don`t want sex, they want violence; not because they`re macho but because they`re queer. What`s wrong with Hollywood is that it threatens other nations, misleading itself into believing it is supporting the American Dream and Manifest Destiny, whereas it is boasting openly of it`s deep seated homosexual antagonism toward God.

Hollywood is described as `Babylon`, the `Mother of Abominations` in Revelation (17.5), and the serpent`s `enmity` towards the Woman`s `seed` suggests that homosexuality is the `Abominations`. Historically, Babylon (c.4004 B.C.) is in Iraq, and Saddam was the `beast` of Revelation; but the USA is perceived as `the Great Whore` because Hollywood calls itself that. In suggesting that homosexuality is heroic, that is, murdering to `move up`, it`s the back-stabbing 21st Century Hollywood advocates. From Hollywood`s point of view, 9/11 was Oliver Stone`s World Trade Centre (2006) `in development`.

It`s the Christian tradition not to be devoured. This is why the red dragon of Revelation waits to devour the child born to the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`. This child `rules the nations with an iron scepter` until the woman leaves the Earth and `bruises the serpent`s head with her heel` as she goes.

Either Saddam - as the advocate of Jihad against the USA is the first `beast` and, perhaps, `False Prophet` of Revelation or Osama Ben Ladan as the second `beast` is the `False Prophet` of terror Terra meaning `Earth` in science fiction. Saddam and Terra is the devourer of the Creator`s Producer and Product Woman and Civilization and in his Second Coming Jesus brings the Sword to exterminate the evil devourer that, in Greek and Roman mythology, is depicted as either Chronos or Saturn (Satan), the god that devours its children. In Greek and Roman mythology, the mother of the Earth saves Zeus (Jupiter) and her devouring husband is defeated. The red dragon of Revelation is, therefore, the husband-devourer of the woman`s child who doesn`t want Woman to develop.

Jesus` Redemption recognizes that men are evil and that Woman is God`s love, which is why they had to accept it. They don`t, and she leaves. Saddam was defeated in the Gulf War (2001-3). He was the devouring red dragon of Revelation and the second `beast` of Terra (terror) is the serpent`s `seed`, the terrorists that are being exterminated. Anyone who attacks is a terrorist that is what `attack` means witness Jennifer Lopez`s self-defence killing of her husband (devourer), abusive towards herself and her daughter in the movie Enough. Britney Spears` (1982-) red-suited figure of Redemption in the video of the pop song Oops I Did It Again (2000) refuses the astronaut access to her Red Planet because Jesus has defeated the devouring red dragon of Terra, and Woman has left Earth for heaven. She doesn`t want the serpent`s `seed` contaminating Jesus` conquest of the god of war.

Woman`s `seed` has eternal `enmity` for the `seed` of the serpent, which means perdition for men. That is why the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` - Britney on Mars has the sun behind her and Terra`s moon below is surrounded by stars. Jesus is Woman`s Redemption and God gives womankind a new heaven and a new Earth. Men hate her because they`re irredeemably accepting of their paradigm of devourment. They repress her knowledge of her own penis as futanar and try to prevent her species` separation from Earth. The space race between the USA and Russia may have been curtailed, not because the superpowers wanted to develop self-defence systems as ICBM`s but to prevent Woman`s escape from their murderous intentions towards her.

Neil Armstrong`s statement, as the first man on the moon, was: `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.` On the Red Planet that symbolizes Redemption, she is Britney Lamb Strong, the `lamb of God` that is to be the `bride` of God. She had an Arm Strong enough to make the touchdown for Man on the moon because she is the Creator`s Producer and Product - Woman. On the Red Planet, she is Woman and God`s Redemption form womankind. She doesn`t need Man, although she might accept him when he`s `better read` and accepts God`s Word.


Tuesday 10 April 2012

Jesus Christ: the Great Escape

Jesus Christ: the Great Escape

Steve McQueen (1930-80) escaped from Stalag Luft III in Zaga (1942-5) and Jesus Christ escaped from men who tortured him to death same film. Jesus was broken on the cross and Longinus` spear pierced his side in death (Matt: 27.54). After his Ascension to heaven the Paraclete (1 John: 2.1) emerged on Earth, and it`s appearance coincides with Longinus` cutting open of Jesus` side with the spear that came to be known as the `Spear of Destiny`.1

Eve came from Adam`s side as God began teaching in Eden. God`s Shekinah (Ex: 40.35) dwelt in the Ark of the Covenant where God`s law was kept. She is the `spirit of the law`, and she appears as the Paraclete from the side of Jesus when her veil is pierced by Longinus` spear.

In the New Testament `God`s law` is `God`s love` - according to Jesus. He defines the law as `love thy neighbour`, which is feasible if everyone accepts the Holy Spirit as God`s developmental `teaching assistant` because God teaches the wisdom of forgiveness, and that`s wise if it`s assumed that the Evil One is forgiveable but he isn`t.

Neither are the evil if they accept the spirit of the Evil One rather than Jesus` - and the Paraclete`s teachings. Evil people operate on the principle of forgiveness, so that they can make others beg them for forgiveness. Jesus forgave them for crucifying him and so they continue crucifying in order to hear similar words to Jesus`:

`My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?` (Matt: 27.46)

Christian Redemption is the acceptance of Jesus` teachings and the Paraclete as God`s `teaching assistant`, but it isn`t forgiveness. For the evil there is no escape from perdition. Unfortunately, churches assume their role to be that of forcing people to pray for forgiveness in the way that the evil forced Jesus to ask:

`My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?`

Clearly God had forsaken Jesus to them, and then, as it were, `the fool` forgave them, which is why the character of the `fool` in the Tarot pack used by clairvoyants is `the hanged man`. He represents Jesus. The Tarot is, purportedly, a pictorial Torah, which is the `law` in Judaism. The `fool` prefigures the idea that Jesus is a fool for forgiving the evil, but in Revelation Jesus has escaped to give the evil perdition and God creates a new heaven and a new Earth. Christianity, in the way of the Nazi Kommandant, forces us to kneel and beg for the afterlife in the same way that the Nazis forced those in the `extermination camps` to ask:

`My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?`

Women have been taught the same principle. They have to be asked. However, the principle is that, if you ask a woman, she`ll direct you to a man, because she`s taught the `father principle`, which is that. men aren`t Nazi extermination camp guards, whereas they are. It is simpler to think of God as a `parent`, then there`s an escape from the idea that d men are `Father in heaven`, which is the idea that men should be the forgivers, we should beg them for forgiveness, they are forgiving, and we are forgiven - when tortured by them - for asking:

`My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?`

Eve (Gen: 2.9), the Shekinah (Ex: 40.35), and the contnuing teaching and collective wisdom of the Paraclete are Woman`s guidance and helpfulness. In the 23rd Psalm it is written:

`Yea though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.` (Ps: 23-4)

The Paraclete is the `comforter` because she`s the `staff of the law of God` and, as it says in Revelation, she gives birth to he who `shall rule the nations with a rod of iron` (Rev: 12. 1-18), which is the enforcing of `God`s love` (Luke: 10.27) as God`s law.

Death is the penetration of the veil, which is Woman`s because she`s the `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`. This is why the piercing of Jesus` side by Longinus upon his death is a piercing of the veil of the woman behind his eyes and her release into the Earth as God`s `teaching assistant`.

It is the notion that the eyes are `veiled` that`s interesting. Jesus` ascends but the Paraclete`s eyes are `unveiled` insofar as she has the path to heaven and God through Jesus` teachings that are Redemption. She lives in those who accept her but women are taught to accept men, which is what whores are taught.

Homosexuals, moreover, are the spirit of the Evil One. God destroyed Sodom (Gen: 18, 19) and told the serpent in Eden that there`d be `enmity` (Gen: 3.15) between its `seed` and Woman`s, while the fully grown dragon of Revelation, Eve`s Saddam, as it were, is the `seed` of the ass-as-Sin`s, that is, the spirit of the homosexual is evil because it puts its `seed` in a sterile place. In other words, homosexuals don`t want the Creator`s Producer`s (Woman`s) Product.

The `Big Apple` of New York was the ass-as-Sin`s, that is, the homosexual spirit of the Evil One, the `dragon`, in Revelation, trying to devour the child of the Woman who`ll `rule the nations with an iron rod`, which is the enforcement of `God`s love` for Woman with God`s law. You need a `third eye` to see through the veil, and `apple eating` is the spirit of the Evil One, which is the ass-as-Sin`s - and that`s where the evil introduce themselves (9/11).

Why was the `third eye` of New York`s Adam and Evelopement closed so that the eyes of the world were upon her? The USA is `the Great Satan` to much of the Arab world,2 so she was being told to `veil` her Woman, that is, her Woman`s eyes were filling their women`s eyes with American men from Black Hawk Down (US special forces` rescue in 1993 in Mogadishu, Somalia) type movies to `boys from the hood` style TV shows, and the Arabian men didn`t want them to because they were preparing their `false Jihad` led by the `False Prophet` of the `ass-as-Sin`s` Osama Ben Ladan (1957-).

The attack on the WTC in 2001 was a piercing of the veil of the USA`s Mom, which are the eyes behind the veil of the USA`s secrecy. They weren`t open because it`s `third eye` had been eaten and it couldn`t perceive the threat to the American Dream and Manifest Destiny, which is progress and development in innocence without threat or under threat. Manifest Destiny is the new heaven and Earth for Woman`s `seed`, which are those that are given eyes to see her with other women.

Women are taught that God is their `father`, so men show the path to heaven, which isn`t true Woman does. It`s tradition to `don the veil` when a husband dies, because in front of her eyes is the path to heaven for her man, but evil unscrupulous homosexuals put themselves in the place of her beloved by forming an evil brotherhood of ass-as-Sins, that is, they place their spirits in him by means of anal sex even post-death: Jesus` `side` is pierced after his death by Longinus` spear as an indicator of `God`s will`, that is, the Paraclete`s the `spirit of God` and points to Manifest Destiny but the threat is implicit.

Women are taught that Jesus is a celibate, and therefore a cuddly homosexual who would be fun to be with because he doesn`t want their sex. But homosexuals don`t (want their sex). A good man is at the mercy of such `teaching` because `real men` would be butt-fucking Jesus, according to that theory. Women want men to be their `evil spirits`, so that the imagery implicit in Jesus` spearing upon the cross is fulfilled. To them he is a homosexual and should be speared in the ass, which is the imagery of the Evil One`s ass-as-Sins that don`t want heaven from Jesus and the Paraclete, so don`t want it for anyone else either 9/11 was Saddam (the false Adam) perpetrating `Saddamy` upon the `city of the planes`, which was New York and the USA`s `punishment` for showing women`s eyes to theirs on TV because it confused their `veils`. Their `men` would be in their women`s and the American men would be in their women`s theoretically.

In Arabia a man is permitted four wives, so there`s more room for his spirit, but in the West it`s a man and woman, so the theory`d be that only one woman`s man is in her veil. Ass-fucking between men in Arabia is haraam or `forbidden`. But, in the Gulf Wars (1990-1, 2001-3), it`d be about how many men you can hide in a woman`s `veil`, so it`d be a period for the `evil brotherhood of the ass-as-Sins to emerge.

Al Qaeda forced women to wear the veil in Afghanistan, the traditional seat of the Old Man of the Mountains, the `Master of the Ass-as-Sin`s`, Hassan-i-Sabbah (1050s-1124), who`d be Osama Ben Ladan in the 21st Century. Jesus was also a `Master` but his assistant`s the Paraclete, and his teachings are Adam and Eve, the `seed` of God and not the `seed` of the ass-as-Sin`s, which means that the `veil` between a man, a woman, and the Holy Spirit mustn`t be `penetrated` by homosexuality, because that`s the spirit of the Evil One.

9/11 occurred because the USA`s eyes symbolized by the `Big Apple` or `third eye` that works behind the `veil` of Eve - were going to be an `ass-as-Sin-nation` if the `False Prophet of the Islamic Jihad Saddam Hussein (1937-2006) - and he wasn`t sane - had triumphed, and brought Jihad (war) upon the West.

The USA`s eyes were a priori closed to the threat because they`d accepted the concept of the ass-as-Sin, that is, US Defence had invited `hackers` to test their system, which is what 9/11 was. The `ass-as-Sins` as a `virus` and the terrorists as the homosexual `plague aim` of hacking into the developed world`s `system` and crashing it hacking down the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre.

`Let`s play a game.` So says the sentient computer entrusted with the nuclear defence of the USA to Matthew Broderick (1962-) in the movie War Games (1983). It`s a paradigm for the `aims of the plague`, which aren`t `war games` but a `virus` in the system causing us to become MAD, a defence analysts` acronym for `mutually assured destruction`, and the movie foresaw the spread of the `virus` within the computer `games` fraternity as a `plague` presupposing war as a `game`, but the `virus` is sentient. The Evil One wants to `play games` and has `plague aims`, which is the `virus` of death, and that isn`t a `game` for the victims of 9/11 or those who lost their loved ones in the Gulf Wars. PC games, war, STDs seemingly defined in Revelation as `biblical plague` and fear of AIDS are a 21st Century paradigm surfacing as the terror of `Saddamy` on 9/11.

The USA`s preparation was based on their own understanding of what a biblical `plague aim` would be. They developed `Superbowl` and the notion of the `game plan` in order to test the Cold War hypothesis of MAD in which a `touch down` (TD) was an ICBM. Each `game play` treated the opposition as a `virus` seeking to collapse a wave form3 (the American Dream and Manifest Destiny) and the TD was the successful particle representing `reality`, which meant the `wave form` (`life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness`) succeeded.

The game`s winning play is a `reversal` of the `plague aims` and, on 9/11, the `goalposts` of the `Twin Towers` were `hacked` by the `virus` from `Saddamy`. It`s six points for a TD and one for a kickers` goal between the posts in US football, and the planes didn`t TD at JFK which meant homosexual air AIDS in New York and at the Pentagon when there was Peace in the USA and no `crosspiece`.

`I`m the American Dream since I was seventeen [seventy-six].` Britney Spears (1982-) sings in Piece of Me (2007). and she appears on the cover of the album on the cross as Jesus. She`s a `piece with the true cross`, as it were, which means the `Moslem world` didn`t get `the point` on 9/11. `Saddamy` was the `beast` of homosexuality, and Jesus` Paraclete`s `wisdom` is `God`s love` - Woman. There`s no sign of the spear of Longinus in the side of Britney because she`s alive upon the cross, and the `veil` was pierced for Jesus after death. As Spears she represents the Paraclete`s `teachings of Redemption` born from Jesus` side, that is, she`s the `Spears of Destiny`, and there is no death for her because God promises to those who accept the Holy Spirit and a new heaven and Earth immortality.

The image of her upon the cross represents the danger, which is the interpretation of Jesus as a victim forced to beg for Redemption which is to be given not by God but by his tormentors the evil. Britney upon the cross represents BDSM,4 which is bondage, dominance, and sado-masochism, that is, marriage, obedience, and acceptance (without sadism). Sadism is the notion that Jesus was a masochist and was bound to beg for mercy. But sadists create masochists. They are born `meek and mild`, which is the quality Jesus says is necessary if you are to enter into the `Kingdom of heaven`.

Britney`s `statement` is that she`s Destiny Manifest and, because she`s the Paraclete, there is no piercing of her `veil` because she has triumphed over death `in Jesus` and this is her `message` to the women of Islam. Accept the Holy Spirit of the Paraclete. She is behind the `veil of your eyes` - and `ours`. But don`t accept sadism, which was perpetrated on 9/11 as `Saddamy`, that is, begging for mercy for - and from - men who`d torture women: as they did Jesus. In the Koran (610-32 CE) of Islam it`s the cry:

`Allah be merciful!` (1:1, 3, 163)

In Hebrew `Eloah`5 is the name of God and, in Hungarian, `Isten`. Moslems are deemed anti-Christian for the simple reason that `Allah` isn`t God, but he is in Hebrew (Eloah). Abraham founded both Islam and Judaism through his sons Ishamael and Isaac, which should be enough for Christianity to stop persecuting Arab women who want to keep their veil until they`ve tortured them into revealing what is `hidden` from men who ruin the Earth and don`t want Woman`s `Paradise on Earth`. If they don`t accept the `teachings` of Jesus` Paraclete Redemption - God`s `new heaven and Earth` of Revelation is for the good because they`re superior, and the evil are inferior and shall receive perdition.

Often the abused are expected to see themselves as inferior because they are `meek and mild` - good people caught by their predator when young and persuaded into perceiving themselves as inferior; because masochists are `subjects` to sadists. Jesus is archetypally heroic to masochists because he escapes, but he`s inferior to sadists and masochists - according to the `teachings` of masochism.

However, sadists are inferior because evil whereas the tortured are superior because good, which is the secret to Redemption and eternal happiness. The evil are inferior, and the good are superior. It`s the basics of Royalty. People are not inferior, but good - unless inferior, so evil. Queen Elizabeth II (1926-) of England has presided over the transformation of the British Empire (1497-) and the Commonwealth of Nations since her Coronation in 1953 because she treats people on their merits as the USA is similarly meritocractic good without disproof. Britney Spears on the cross is the good of Redemption that appears to appeal to the sadist, but is designed to underline Jesus` triumph insofar as Britney Spears and the Paraclete is not inferior, and neither is her body`s love both are good and, as the motto of those belonging to Elizabeth II`s knightly `Order of the Garter has it`: `Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense`. Edward III once used the phrase to save a young girl`s blushes when her garter slipped around her ankle and he put his own foot through it to place it about his own thigh. The Evil One`s spirit of homosexuality usurps the place of the Paraclete through that of the ass-as-Sin`s which usurped God for the Evil Onenesses of `Saddamy` and 9/11.



3 Close, Frank Particle Physics: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2004.

4 Miller, Philip, Devon, Molly, and Granzig, William A. Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns: The Romance and Sexual Sorcery of Sadomasochism, Mystic Rose Books, 1995.



Monday 9 April 2012

The Kinds of Lingerie That Guys Love!

Men are stimulated sexually by visual objects. They are not as hypercritical of a woman's perceived imperfections as the woman is. The entire world of lingerie is fairly varied, and a woman might be unclear as to what types or styles to choose. What exactly types of lingerie do men find most desirable? First of all, men really like lingerie outfits that allow them to engage in interactive role play. The "naughty schoolgirl" or the "policewoman" may seem stereotypical; yet, men find these kinds of sexy lingerie to be interesting as well as exciting. The "naughty nurse" is another favorite lingerie outfit of men. The addition of certain components to these outfits, such as fishnet pantyhose or glasses, could intensify the fulfillment that a couple derives from the role play involved.

Bras as well as panties are also preferred sexy lingerie components of men. These basic pieces may seem rather mundane, however the limitless variations of these garments supply a end less source of enjoyment for the two companions. Several types of panties include boy shorts, thongs, G strings, and garter belts, which might be put on with thigh high pantyhose. Bras and panties are made of a wide variety of materials, from cotton to silk. The colours and patterns that these pieces come in add visual interest to a man's attention. They frequently come in matching sets, and they also may be embellished with lace, sequins, laces and ribbons, or other garnishments. Corsets as well as bustiers also belong in the same class as bras and panties. The corset is primarily made to slim a woman's waistline, and it is adept at providing a female with an hourglass figure where one does not exist. A bustier might be combined along with almost any kind of underwear or with a garter belt and thigh high stockings. The naughty persona that a bustier contrives is of interest to varied men.

Negligees will also be highly well-liked by most men. These sheer and silky clothes really encourage an image of purity that males find impressive. It offers a guy with a hint of what is underneath, without having revealing totally what is there. Sexy Lingerie comes in a wide variety of colour combinations. Based on a survey conducted by AskMen. com, the color combinations that males find most attractive consist of black, red-colored, white, and soft pastels of pink coloured and blue. Although the preferences of one's partner are the primary reason most women buy lingerie, she ought to eventually purchase the pieces that make her really feel gorgeous and desired.

For more info. regarding sexy lingerie, you may visit


Sunday 8 April 2012

Getting His Attention With Sexy Lingerie

Heres a secret for all the women out there (if they havent figured it out already): men are visual creatures. Just like there are verbal learners and visual learners, all the men out there sometimes need for you to paint them a picture in order to better understand a task. Heres proof to this revelation: how often have you told your husband that the car is making a thumping noise. Does he ever believe you? Probably not, until he sees for himself that the cause of whatever is making the car thump. See, visual learner. The same goes in the bedroom. Sometimes, men dont quite understand what women want, so they have to paint men a picture, and this can happen with deliciously sexy lingerie.

How many men can resist a woman in any type of sexy lingerie? There is something about lace, ribbons, feathers, leather, or not-so-subtle sheer material that drives a man wild. And honestly, who can blame him? Who doesnt look fabulous is oh-so-sexy lingerie? The answer is no one. Reg ardless how you feel about your body, sexy lingerie is the best way to begin loving yourself again (and maybe even get some loving in the process). After all, if women do not feel feminine in sexy lingerie, why do they purchase these fantastic frocks instead of the ubiquitous underwear? The truth very well may be that women love sexy lingerie just as much as men.

Outside factors can play a huge part in your sex life, including your job and responsibilities. Just because the spark may be hidden beneath a bundle of problems, stresses, and worries does not mean that it has gone out! People are too easy consumed with their problems to take the hints dropped by another individual about meeting their needs. Instead of dropping hints or becoming aggravated when your partner seems to blatantly ignore your specific needs, send him a visual message. Dress up in a drop dead gorgeous baby doll and meet him at the door. Its guaranteed to send him over the edge.

One popular gift for birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays (especially the man-dreaded St. Valentines Day) is sexy lingerie. If you are tired of receiving ill-fitting, itchy, uncomfortable, and all around dreadful-looking lingerie, tell your spouse that this year, the gift is on you. This way, you can ensure that you get exactly what you want and your partner will be a happy boy once he sees you in your latest getup. Another option is to leave him a blatant visual hint: send him the webpage of the specific piece of sexy lingerie you want along with a not-so-subtle message of buy us this.

If you are surprising your man with a stunningly sexy lingerie spread, be sure to have all your elements into play. No one wants to enjoy the benefits of wearing provocative lingerie and then have to finish the dishes. Create and entire evening, day, or weekend where you can spend together without having to worry about the outside world. Throw in some jaw-dropping lingerie and seal the deal. Who could possibly complain? Remember, there is nothing in the world so important that it hides your spark, after all, that spark is one of the reasons that brought the two of you together in the first place.

So, what have we established? First, men are visual creatures and need to see in order to believe. Second, sexy lingerie is hands down the best way to convey to your man exactly what you want and need. After that, what more could you ask for?


Saturday 7 April 2012

why sexy lingerie is better than standard lingerie

A large percentage of people, men and women, would think that sexy lingerie is only for special intimate occasions and not used anytime other time, but the truth is really the opposite of that. Sexy lingerie could be used as a daily item that you wear under your outfit. It has many benefits and many uses - let us browse just a glimpse of them. Of course we cannot under-estimate sexy lingerie in the special intimate occasions and as a nice present between lovers and married couples, but we are trying to put it in a more open format, to uncover other occasions that sexy lingerie can be suitable for.

Normal panties always leave a very bad mark on tight clothes, and sometimes on clothes that are not so tight. After a long time sitting down, you stand up and everybody will notice two ugly lines passing over you buttocks outlining the panties you are wearing. Sexy lingerie offers a brilliant solution for this ugly appearance, as you can choose between three sexy lingerie items that omit the lines. The three choices are the T back, the thong, and the boy shorts. While the first two choices will change your old panties into a thin thread that passes through the center line without leaving a mark, the third one will take the two line way down so, no one will notice them leading to the same excellent result.

Second, the sexy lingerie could offer a lady a feeling of confidence because she would not feel embarrassed if it appeared from the low waist pants she is wearing because it looks nice and much better than the old undies. Not to mention that lots of sexy lingerie can help improve the cleavage of your body and give you the desired looking that you had been hoping for. A bustier or a corset can help improve your bust, waist and hip areas in order to look well trimmed and in great shape.

These sexy lingerie pieces will help you to dress up in tight dresses without fearing the bulging of your body from beneath. The best place to bu y these sexy lingerie pieces online is Playful Threads. This reputable huge sexy lingerie store is all about sexy lingerie in one single shop. It contains many categories of sexy lingerie to choose from including clubwear, swim wear and plus size lingerie.

Playful threads is the best place online to buy sexy lingerie so, do not waste more time on run of the mill sexy lingerie stores - head directly to the best shop online,


Friday 6 April 2012

Rene Rofe Lingerie - Hot and Sexy

Have you checked out LingerieMart's latest Rene Rofe lingerie collection? The gorgeous thigh-high stockings, body stockings, baby doll and G-string sets, and animal print boy shorts available for sale at this website are truly sensational.

If you are one of those lucky ones blessed with beautiful long legs, check out the Rene Rofe Fence Net Thigh High Stockings from this e-store. Whether you are planning to attend formal or casual occasions, this piece worn with a short skirt will define elegance like no other. The other thigh highs with polka dot bows and back seams are cute and sexy. Consider wearing them for a fun-party and you are sure to be the star of the day. For all those bold and beautiful women out there, this e-store also features sexy wholesale lingerie like body stockings designed in fishnet, floral lace, and much more. Body stockings are a lustrous way to showcase your body and lure your partner.

If you are looking forward to having a playful night, buy babydoll and G-string sets from the wholesale lingerie collection at this e-store and pep up your bed-time. Boy shorts can be considered by women who are on a look out for modest yet fashionable lingerie. Much more comfortable than thongs, string bikinis, and other skimpy lingerie styles, boy shorts can be thought of as comfortable lingerie, even for mature women. And by buying one of these from the animal print Rene Rofe lingerie collection, you are all set to look hot and wild.

So, with so much available for sale at so little price, there is nothing to stop you from browsing through the wholesale lingerie collection at LingerieMart, and pick the ones that best meet your requirements. The Rene Rofe lingerie collection featured here is spectacular and will no doubt help you keep the flames of passion burning in your bedroom. Shop for sexy wholesale lingerie from this online store and spice up the romance in your life.


Thursday 5 April 2012

How to use rabbit vibrators

Whenever it comes to choosing the sort of sex plaything that is going to offer the extreme sexual satisfaction for a woman, rabbit vibrators are top most to be high on that list. Rabbit vibrator has become popular as it started coming in form of waterproof vibrators, mini vibrators. The most interesting benefits of experiencing rabbit vibrators and other models like waterproof vibrators, mini vibrators are the fact that it arouses the clitoris and vagina both at the same time. In this article, you will learn how to use rabbit vibrators for sexual satisfaction. The foremost thing you are willing to do when you get rabbit vibrator is to discover which side has to be entered into the vagina and which part would be used for clitoral stimulation. This is instead easy step as the portion that enters into the vagina appears same as a penis and the "rabbit ears" is the part that should be used for clitoral stimulation. You should check if you have installed the electric batterie s appropriately; otherwise your rabbit wont be able to hop like you need it to. As you put the batteries, try out with the help of controls, before you really begin using it for immense pleasure. The same needs to be done with mini vibrators also. Most rabbit vibrators come in the market with different degrees and controls for both the "vaginal" portion and "clitoral stimulation". What this signifies is that you want to know which level of rabbit vibrators is appropriate before experiencing it on your own body or your mates body. When you are almost prepared to start using rabbit vibrators, you should use water based personal lubricator onto the penis looking side of the vibrator. Most of rabbit vibrators are waterproof vibrators. Also, numerous ladies discover using top quality women arousal gel under the hood of the clitoris stimulates the amount of sexual pleasure that the "Rabbit Ears" will add during clitoral stimulation too. Once you are done with applying all sorts of the necessary lubricators that you wish, simply insert or enter the shaft of rabbit vibrator sensuously in the vagina with the bunny presenting upwards. At this stage the bunny ears should be in line with your clitoris and if your rabbit vibrator has got any revolving beads in the shaft these should be near the vaginal opening. From this point, switch on your rabbit vibrator. The vibration or shakiness will begin. First, revolve rabbit vibrators there at minimum speed. Then slowly increment the degree of intensity till you get that absolute tempo. After using rabbit vibrators you should clean it and remove the batteries and keep mini vibrators at a safe place.

Whenever it comes to choosing the sort of sex plaything that is going to offer the extreme sexual satisfaction for a woman, rabbit vibrators are top most to be high on that list. Rabbit vibrator has become popular as it started coming in form of waterproof vibrators, mini vibrators.

The most interesting benefits of experiencing rabbit vibrators and other models like waterproof vibrators, mini vibrators are the fact that it arouses the clitoris and vagina both at the same time. In this article, you will learn how to use rabbit vibrators for sexual satisfaction.

The foremost thing you are willing to do when you get rabbit vibrator is to discover which side has to be entered into the vagina and which part would be used for clitoral stimulation. This is instead easy step as the portion that enters into the vagina appears same as a penis and the "rabbit ears" is the part that should be used for clitoral stimulation. You should check if you have installed the elec tric batteries appropriately; otherwise your rabbit wont be able to hop like you need it to. As you put the batteries, try out with the help of controls, before you really begin using it for immense pleasure. The same needs to be done with mini vibrators also.

Most rabbit vibrators come in the market with different degrees and controls for both the "vaginal" portion and "clitoral stimulation". What this signifies is that you want to know which level of rabbit vibrators is appropriate before experiencing it on your own body or your mates body. When you are almost prepared to start using rabbit vibrators, you should use water based personal lubricator onto the penis looking side of the vibrator. Most of rabbit vibrators are waterproof vibrators. Also, numerous ladies discover using top quality women arousal gel under the hood of the clitoris stimulates the amount of sexual pleasure that the "Rabbit Ears" will add during clitoral stimulation too.

Once you are done with applying all sorts of the necessary lubricators that you wish, simply insert or enter the shaft of rabbit vibrator sensuously in the vagina with the bunny presenting upwards. At this stage the bunny ears should be in line with your clitoris and if your rabbit vibrator has got any revolving beads in the shaft these should be near the vaginal opening.

From this point, switch on your rabbit vibrator. The vibration or shakiness will begin. First, revolve rabbit vibrators there at minimum speed. Then slowly increment the degree of intensity till you get that absolute tempo. After using rabbit vibrators you should clean it and remove the batteries and keep mini vibrators at a safe place.