Thursday 26 April 2012

How To Control Ejaculation-Is It Really Possible? - Relationships - Sexuality

It's more common then you think. Most men have experienced some form of premature ejaculation at some time in their lifetime. Premature ejaculation, or PE for short, is a problem that thirty to forty percent of American men have experienced according to those men who have reported the problem to their doctors.

Exploring your options is in important step in alleviating the problem. When suffering from premature ejaculation, the first step is to consult your family doctor to discuss all of the possible causes that may be affecting your ability to control ejaculations. Diet, medications and other factors may be influencing the problem.

If you're in the clear physically, the good news is that PE is often a learned behavior that can get better. If your looking for a quick fix,you can use a local anesthetic agent which anesthetize (numbs) the penis. However, this is not really a long term solution, as you lose much of the sensation in lovemaking.

A better solution may be in trying natural methods. For example, an important way to avoid ejaculating prematurely is to learn how to relax during sex. When orgasm tension starts, by breathing deeply and slowly, you will find a significant increase in your ability to control ejaculation.

Interruption is another technique, although it does involve some will power. If you sense that you are about to experience premature ejaculation, squeeze the shaft of your penis between a thumb and two fingers applying gentle pressure just below the head of the penis for 20 seconds. In many cases, this can successfully delay ejaculation.

Training the pelvic muscle is also important. To stop yourself from ejaculating while having sex all you need to do is slow down a little and tense the PC muscle, the muscle you use to control the flow of urination. You can also practice these on your own during many non-sexual activities in order to build up the strength of the muscle.

Masturbation can also help curb premature ejaculation. When you don't masturbate for a long time, your sexual drive increases greatly and you tend to come very quickly during intercourse. By masturbating regularly, you keep your sexual drive in control.

Premature Ejaculation is not a sexual problem you have to resign yourself to living with. While it may seem embarrassing, there are plenty of tools out there that can help you have longer-lasting erections. You don't have to settle for an unsatisfactory sexual experience.

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