Tuesday 26 November 2013

Good Sex With Your Ex-It's Good-Available-Why Not? - Relationships - Dating

Why have sex with your ex? Why not. If he or she knows what you enjoy and expresses an interest. Having sex with someone new can be dangerous and awkward. If you have had good sex with your ex in the past, there is no reason it couldn't be fun again. There are many reasons having sex can be a good choice for you.

Sex can keep you in better shape and improve your mood. Sex is good for your health and good for your mind as well. You can relieve stress and increase happiness by having sex often.

Sex is a great aerobic workout. In one session, you can work your back, stomach, buttocks and legs. Because sex is an aerobic activity it is great exercise for your heart as well. Sex also targets certain specific muscles not used in other activity.

Women who have sex on a regular basis are keeping their vagina in shape. That may sound strange but the vagina muscles are use it or lose it. The vagina can atrophy making sex painful if those muscles are not kept in good shape by regular sexual activity.

By exercising your pelvic muscles you will also have better control of your bladder. When muscles become weak women experience stress incontinence and have the need to urinate more frequently. Stress incontinence is due to weak pelvic muscles and causes you to pee when you sneeze or cough. So use those muscles by having sex and prevent bladder problems, ensure pain free sex and improve your mood.

Sexual activity causes the body to release feel good hormones. These hormones are called endorphins and give us a sense of happiness and well being. Another hormone called oxytocin is released after sex. oxytocin creates feelings of love, bonding and relaxation. A majority of people report it is easier to fall asleep after having good sex as well. Of course getting proper sleep is beneficial for one's health.

Sex also can help your body fight off disease. After sexual activities, levels of Immunoglobulin A are increased. Immunoglobulin A is an antibody which boosts the body's immune system. It can help you fight off colds or the flu.

Of course there is nothing like good sex to boost the confidence and confident people are more successful than others.

Sex is part of a good all around health plan for men or women.

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