Saturday 11 August 2012

Good Sex is God Sex - Relationships - Sexuality

Good sex is a transcending journey. Good sex takes you to places in your mind and imagination that become a tangible reality that is expressed in the physical world. Good sex is an hallucinogenic drug that engages the centers of ultimate pleasure in our minds. Good sex is addictive. Good sex changes the function of you mind and body. Good sex makes you forget important things that just become less important. Good sex gives you energy and drive to take actions you otherwise would not do except to fulfill its need. Good sex, for that moment, satisfies our every need.

Good sex originated with God. Remember it was God who commanded Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply before they sinned and caused the fall of creation. It was Gods original intent that man have sex and procreate. Sex is from God and good sex should be a spiritual and positively reinforcing affirmation of love. Is it any wonder that the act of sex is filled with so many positive vocalizations?

Good sex exists where there is deep passion. Deep passion exists where there is a good romance. A good romance depends on your ability to communicate. Romantic words and actions tell and show the other person that you care. The result is that they feel assured of your love. They in turn are inspired to reciprocate, if indeed they are good communicators themselves.

The goal of communication is to complete an exchange of ideas that leads to an understanding of multiple minds. Communication is verbal, non-verbal or a combination of the two. The sexual experience is also a communicative event that can be expressed at every level of our beings. What makes sex such a transcending event is that it involves the interplay of all of these levels at the same time. Sexual communication takes place in the physical realm, the emotional realm and the spiritual realm all at once. It involves your complete self. That is why one feels so vulnerable when it comes to sex. That is why one can feel so violated when they are taken advantage of or betrayed sexually. How can you completely satisfy your partner. How can you ensure you experience the same satisfaction yourself? Learn to communicate on every level.

What attracts you to a person, the attraction modality; what that person does to stimulate you, the stimulation modality; and what enhances that stimulation, the enhancement modality; may all be different. For instance, a person may be attracted by what they see, stimulated by what they feel and have that stimulation enhanced by what they hear. You must pay careful attention to yourself and your partner to determine what differences exist, if they indeed do exist. After-which, you can tailor your approach to them to give them the specific input they need at each phase to give them the maximum pleasure and optimum response to your input. And by knowing this about yourself, you can direct your partner toward the correct actions that bring you ultimate pleasure.

Another parallel can be drawn to communication by saying that it is more important to listen than it is to talk. Make your partner the priority. Put their needs first. If you are willing to pay attention to your partner's responses, you can determine what works best to give them ultimate pleasure and complete satisfaction.

One need not be embarrassed or ashamed of sex. It is perfectly normal, natural and spiritual all at the same time. It is a gift of pleasure given to mankind by the creator.

Does God intend for you to have an exciting sex life?


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